Introduction to psychedelics

This retreat is designed for people who want to have a psychedelic experience in a secure environment, where you can feel safe and accompanied at all times. We use two powerful healing plants for each of the experiences: Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin) and San Pedro (Mescaline).

The first ceremony will be indoors with live music, allowing a greater degree of introspection. In the second psychedelic experience, you will enjoy a walk through the mountains with the synergy of the group.

Ayahuasca Weekend

The great and Sacred Ayahuasca will take you to a space you never experienced. This retreat is an extremely deep and profound inner journey with the help of our best facilitators. Don't miss your chance.

Ayahuasca is a medicine capable of bringing about great physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. She is reverently referred to as “Mother Ayahuasca” by those whose lives she has touched.


1 Day Psilocybin Experience

Psilocybin Psychotherapy is the breakthrough therapy taking the world of mental health by storm. This retreat is designed for people who don't have a lot of time and want to get started in psychedelic therapy straight away, those wanting to have their first psychedelic experience, or people looking to have a deep and mystical experience.


Psychedelic plant medicine therapy has gained popularity for its potential therapeutic benefits in recent years. Here is a list of some of the key benefits associated with this form of therapy.

Enhanced Self-Reflection

Psychedelics can facilitate deep introspection and self-reflection, helping individuals gain insights into their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Alleviation of Mental Health Issues

Research suggests that psychedelic therapy may be effective in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

Ego Dissolution

Psychedelics can lead to a temporary dissolution of the ego, which can help individuals overcome self-centeredness and gain a more profound sense of interconnectedness with others and the world.

Heightened Creativity

Many people report increased creativity and problem-solving abilities after psychedelic experiences, making it valuable for artists and innovators.

Spiritual Insights:

Some individuals describe profound spiritual or mystical experiences during psychedelic therapy, which can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and connection.

Enhanced Emotional Processing

Psychedelics can help individuals confront and process repressed or traumatic emotions, leading to emotional healing.

Improved Relationships

Enhanced empathy and communication skills may result from psychedelic therapy, leading to more fulfilling and connected relationships.

Long-Lasting Effects

A single psychedelic experience can have lasting positive effects, even months or years after the therapy session.

Potential for Personal Growth

Psychedelics can be a catalyst for personal development, helping individuals break free from harmful patterns and transform their lives positively.